Hood Luck App: How We Helped To Bring Sentiments To Life.

Implementing backup systems for multi-platform content.

The idea was simple. We needed to enable our client to produce themed 3D heads that were shareable via an app.

The Hood Luck app amplifies the experience of sharing a simple emoji, allowing users to record a message, using one of the fully-animated Hood Luck heads, to bring their sentiments to life.

Taking inspiration from traditional Japanese daruma dolls, the app puts a modern twist on an age-old tradition whilst still retaining the original sentiment of sending good luck wishes.

The Hood Luck app initially seemed like a simple undertaking and we were excited to get started as it gave us the perfect opportunity to try out some of the latest libraries from the Apple SDK. However, we hit a roadblock when it came to launching the app. In order to be able to launch on the App Store, the app needed to function on more models than just the iPhone X.

Since Apple’s face-tracking tech was only available on the iPhone X, we had to implement a backup system so that it could run on other models. This involved placing a complex wrapper around Apple’s ARKit face-tracking tech that would allow the app to use Apple’s machine vision library when running on models other than the iPhone X.

Despite the set back, it all worked out well in the end.


Ready to bring your idea to life with our mobile app development services? Email us at hi@wearemobilefirst.com.