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Our latest blog posts, thoughts and experiments.

Discover the Serenity of 128 Things

A hidden object game designed to provide relaxation and mindfulness

128 Things: The Dreams and Mistakes

A winding journey into computer game development


I am a Javascript Cloud Services Coding Assistant


Effective DART/Flutter coding Assistant

5 Lessons Learned During COVID-19

Time to reflect on the impact of these unprecedented times.

Benefits of Flutter: mobile-first development with Flutter

Let's discuss Flutter and how it is influencing our development in 2020.

COVID-19: Thought Experiment

Keen to explore solutions and process the global pandemic, Lee conducts a thought experiment.

Remote Work: How To Work Remotely Effectively

We've transitioned to remote work and we've got advice!

A Day In The Life Of A Business Manager

Ramiro talks you through his routine and hands out some pro advice.

5 Essential Lessons Business Managers Need To Learn in 2020

Ramiro sets us up for a fruitful new year.

Coworking in Barcelona: 6 Benefits of Coworking

Our honest thoughts about coworking in the city.

Business Management: 10 Essential Qualities Every Manager Needs

Ramiro shares his advice on managing a team.

Blogging For Developers: How To Write Compelling Blog Content

We're sharing our pro blogging advice for newbies.

App Development: 6 Misconceptions About Developing Apps

Time for some app development myth-busting!

Atomic Design: Getting Started

Albert explores a methodology that marries chemistry with software development.

A Day In The Life Of An iOS Developer

A behind the scenes look at the day-to-day duties of our iOS team.

SwiftUI: Configuring Layouts & Declarative Programming

The second post in our SwiftUI series.

SwiftUI: How To Get Started

Take a closer look at one of our favourite WWDC19 announcements.

Time Management for Developers: Eisenhower Matrix

Albert shares his experiences with managing the Android development team’s efficiency.

How to Create a Container Framework

We've built and open sourced a container framework!

How To Lead A Successful Software Development Team

From being inclusive to building skills.

Carthage: How to use Carthage to configure iOS and tvOS

Let us take you through the approach we used on our most recent projects.

Apple's Combine: Introduction to the Reactive Framework

Let's look at Apple's new reactive framework.

CameraX: Jetpack Support Library

Get to grips with the newly released feature.

Swift: Type Safety, Encoding & Decoding

Taking a closer look at one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Team Building: Why Invest In It?

Find out all about our most recent team building day on the Costa Brava.

Apple Books: Recreating the UI Animations

A simple tutorial to help you recreate the redesigned animations.

Pair Programming: How Does It Work?

Let's explore how we can use pair programming effectively.

ARKit: Introduction to Augmented Reality

Learn how to create a sphere with ARKit.

IDE Keyboard Shortcuts To Improve Productivity

The third post in our 'Know Your Damn IDE' series

Android Q: 7 Features Developers Need To Know About

From Dynamic Depth photography to improved security, we're sharing all the best features.

How To Welcome New Developers To The Team

Tips for onboarding with ease!

The Benefits of Teamwork and Collaboration

How can we work effectively within a team setting?

Developer Motivation: 9 Ways To Stay Motivated

We've put our heads together to give you some advice!

Sofia Kovalevskaya, Mathematician Of The Year

Pere escaped the office to attend a half-day conference at his alma-mater

Animated Headers for Android with MotionLayout

The third part in our Android animations series.

iOS Open Source UI Library For Mobile Navigation

Helping you maintain clear navigation.

Android Studio: Android Developer Tips & Tricks

Albert, David and Nerea share their knowledge with you.

How We Prepared Our Business For The New Year

Sharing exciting business news!

How To Automate The Android Code Review Process Using Danger

Saving developers time and ensuring accuracy at every step.

The Simple Xcode Hack That Could Optimize Developer Productivity

The second post in our 'Know Your Damn IDEs' series.

How To Create Animations For Android Using MotionLayout

The second post in our Android animation series.

10 Reasons Why We Love Barcelona

From the amiable locals to the laid-back approach to life.

How To Build An Image Classifier App With Apple's Core ML

It’s now easier than ever to build classification apps thanks to Core ML.

How To Improve Your iOS App's Performance

Singing the praises of profiling.

What Inspires Our App Developers?

Find out what motivates the newer members of our team.

How To Create Easy Animations For Your Android App

Making Android apps with visual impact isn't as difficult as you may think!

How To Use IDEs Effectively

The first post in our 'Know Your Damn IDEs' series.

How To Efficiently Manage Your Android App's Memory

Struggling with memory leaks? Albert has the answers.

#Hacktoberfest 2018 Event in Barcelona

Come and join us here at WAMF HQ!

How To Handle And Donate Siri Shortcuts

iOS 12 and Siri Shortcuts are now here!

Minimalism & The Perfect Work-Life Balance

The early stages of a minimalist lifestyle.

Designing for Android: A Developer's Recommendations

How to create a functional and well-designed Android app.

A Guide To Networking For Developers

Our top tips for networking with confidence.

Women In Technology with Haiyan Ma

What's it like to be a woman in the industry? How can we do better?

We Are Hiring: iOS or Android Developer

Come and join our mobile-focused team!

How To Create Siri Shortcuts

Let's look at one of our favourite announcements from #WWDC18

Time Management Tips for Developers

How to achieve more and procrastinate less.

Advice For New Developers

We asked our team to share some words of wisdom.

Things To Consider When Picking An App Developer

A selection of things you can take into consideration.

First Impressions of We Are Mobile First

A quick catch up with our newest recruit, Francesco.

Value Loops' Food Waste Hackathon, Barcelona

Creating solutions for the global food waste problem.

Our Company Policies

How we encourage, support and celebrate our team members.

How to Handle Deep Links with Firebase Dynamic Links

Handling entry points and app authentication states.

How To Start A Company in Barcelona

Advice on making the process a whole lot easier.

How to Use the Full Power of Source Control and Agile Release Procedures

How better source control strategies will help you and your business.

Mobile First Business Is The Future

How our 'mobile first' approach may work for you.

What Inspires Us?

From Elon Musk's scientific approach to problem-solving to smart pieces of code.

Deploying Apps to QA using Fastlane and Jenkins

From downloading the software to implementing it.

I Moved From London to Barcelona to Start My Digital Product Agency

Discovering Catalonia and everything it has to offer.

How We Develop Software with Maximum Efficiency & Minimal Interruptions

Our choice of automation software and our approach to CI and CD.

Our Company Values

Discover how our values influence everything that we do.

Healthy Coding Practices

How we maintain good coding practices.

MVVM, Android Architecture and Data Binding

A behind the scenes look at Inshur.

We Are Mobile First

Find out a little more about us.

We Are: Ramiro Velasco, Business Manager

From his minimalist lifestyle to his adventurous spirit, find out more about Ramiro.

Lee Higgins, Founder Engineer (Human)

From his love of motorbike track days to his extensive CV, find out more about Lee.